Monday, February 14, 2011

assalamualaikum dears...

firstly, thanks 2 Allah 4 my gud result.. alhamdulillah..

secondly, im wanna touch about valentine's day. what u all think about this day hum? to celebrate love with ur lover? isn't the meaning? valentine its not involve in islam history. ada yg ckap dlu2 14th feb is islam kalah time perang with org kristian. ntah la tp 4 my information this day teda kena mgena dgn islam...

then every time this day comes, why the rating khalwat case so highly and there so many islam people was in khalwat's. tidak ka anda rasa 'bodoh' wat benda2 bzina? klu tak ingat Allah pn, at least fikir ur parents hearth and ur child future. time wat tu bukan men lg indah nya dunia tp after that thing u do, gelapnya dunia bg kamu.. tahan la nafsu 2, kalau da tak tahan pegi la kawin. kn senang x wat dosa. dont be the narrow minded person.. dont regret after u do it. supposed u noe the impact keep out ur mind from to doing that and go on with ur sweet life.. byk benda lg korang bley fikir dr wat bnda 2. ingatla saudara/saudari, Allah, nabi n ibu bapa kita amatlah sayang kt kita. jaga la maruah diri d mna brada. jgn ikutkn nafsu serakah n bisikan syaitan yg bahaya 2. kuatkn iman mu...

just the short message from me 2 u the reader.. insyaallah taubat d terima, slagi pintu taubat masi tbuka, btaubat la anda dgn ikhlas seikhlas2 hati yg dlm..

salam maulidur rasul..

salam sayang dari,
~syifa jani~

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